Monday, August 5, 2013

8/3-4/2013 -- Weekend wrap up, resting & my final exam -- Plus, some hints at awesome news

This weekend was a whole clusterf- well, you know the saying. Dad's birthday was on Saturday so we took him to go see The Wolverine (which he loved, by the way). Then we chillaxed at home. Mom and I had gone to the gym that morning and done about 40 minutes of cardio but I hardly feel like it's worth mentioning since all I did the rest of the day was eeeeeeeeat.

I did make us some "dessert" bars, which I also eat for breakfast and pre/post work out snacks since they're packed full of nuts, seeds and dried fruit.

They are basically KIND bars sans honey, sub agave. I am so happy they turned out well (and are dirt cheap)!

Additionally I made my very first lentil loaf and a batch of freezer burritos so when we're hungry and I don't want to cook there will be food ready and available.

Additionally I completed my HUN 2201 Fundamentals in Human Nutrition final exam (with a 95%) and finished my class at 98% total. I settled in on Sunday morning with a delicious breakfast sandwich, my notes, book and laptop to rock it out. I loved the class but I'm definitely glad for the 2-3 week break.

So then, the weekend was a wrap and I am rolling into Monday. Monday, on which an exciting and potentially life changing event may occur. I have an appointment of the very best kind at 6pm and I cannot wait until the hour rolls around. I'm being vague for a lot of reasons but I will keep you posted on this particular development, because trust me. If it pans out like I hope it will then it will be EPIC.

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